Creekside Disc Golf… GRRRR…

I had been looking forward to Friday afternoon for much of the week. I’d scheduled some time with guys at work to drive up to SLC (45 minutes north) to the Creekside Disc Golf Course in the Holladay township/city/precinct/whatever.

The course is pleasant enough. There’s shade, there are some tricky drives and some shots over water. My game was WAAAY off, though. I ended up at 13 over par, with an asterisk where I was 10 feet from the pin on the wrong side of a wall of trees and just gave up and called it five strokes. By the end of the game I was tired, upset, and ready to go home…

… and staring at a southbound Friday afternoon commute out of the Salt Lake Valley.

By the time I got home I’d decided to stop off at Albertson’s and buy a little can of Nesquik. I haven’t had that stuff in months — it’s addictive, and I worked really, really hard to kick that addiction, and I was in such a pissy mood after two hours of bad frisbee followed by another hour of lousy commute that I decided to binge.

Bad Howard.

The good news is that Randy is coming to town tomorrow, and he can help me finish the stuff off. I bought the LITTLE can, so between the two of us and the kids it won’t last long. Hopefully I won’t even go into withdrawals next week.


Schlock Community?

Okay, in 18 hours since first posting my LJ name I’ve acquired close to 100 “Friends of” entries, which I believe to be an indicator of some mild interest in either my ramblings, my life, or my work.

I strongly suspect it’s more my work (Schlock Mercenary — just inked two rows) than my life (migraine is currently under control, children are not) or my ramblings (discovered some political cartoons that actually lean the same way I do).

So… is there interest in setting up an actual Schlock Mercenary community? I know, I know, I’ve already got TWO forums (Keenspot Schlock and Nightstar Schlock) out there, but neither of them leverage the community aspect of this big ol’ Live Journal thaing.

Comments welcome. Volunteers appreciated. I’m not exactly made o’ time these days.


Writer, Illustrator, Consumer