Tonight at 9pm Eastern I’ll be playing D&D over at¹, and we’ve got the art-cam working beautifully.

You can watch me create masterpieces² like “snake-men with snakes for butts” in real-time!
(No, that’s not an actual creature from the game. That’s what the lying, trap-setting NPC who wanted us to get eaten by ophidians said the ophidians looked like.)
Tonight the party is deep in the icy cave-city of the ophidians, and our goal (at least as I understand it from last week) is to steal the airship macguffin³ before the necromancer and his army of undead can steal it. None of us want to be trapped in this snowy wasteland. We’ve got a world to save⁴.
¹ Typecast RPG is Charlie Holmberg, Brian McClellan, Mari Murdock, Ethan Sproat, Howard Tayler, and Dungeon Master Dan Wells.
² This landscape, inspired by one of the characters’ love interests (a felinoid named “Sunrise on the Curve of the Horizon”) is closer to being okay fine also not a masterpiece.
³ The GODS OF VAERON setting we’ve created features sleeping gods who drift through the sky with cities on their backs. They fly via the magic imbued in something called “Xephyrite,” and their bodies are mined for it.
⁴ Should the flying gods wake up, not only will the mining operations cease, but also about half the world will die in assorted disasters. Our party of adventures thinks we might be helping that NOT happen. We could be wrong.