All posts by Howard Tayler

Linucon has been AMAZING

I’ve had a great time. I’m too tired by FAR to try and write a con report right now, so here are some cryptic notes for me to use later:

The chaos machine, Friday Night.
Wil’s reading, and drawing a picture of Tamara Gorski
Tech sessions, oh how I’m beginning to despise doing them… pity I’m still good at it.
Evil Stevie’s Pirate Game
Custom Buttons
The Art Auction
Geek Culture session with Wil, Cathy, and Rick
Writing session with Rick and Rie
How to Draw session with Victory (yes, I was PRESENTING… giggle giggle)
Chaos machine and Hot Glue
The Masquerade, and General Levaughn Matsui Hugo “Tron-Guy” Xinchub
Fangirl photo moment with Steve Jackson and I.
Oh crap I lost my camera!
(Sorry. False alarm.)
Interview with Wil Wheaton

That’s it. More chaos for me, now.

Linucon, Friday… The High Point

I’m pressed for time. I’m tired, and I need to go to bed. There’s also a giant marble-track machine in the lobby that I want to play with. Pardon me if this entry lacks my usual prose.

The high point of Friday at Linucon was the Celebrity Munchkin event. I drew four cards for the event, and we stuck them in the top 30 of the door cards stack, which meant that as long as the game ran for five or six rounds, they’d all end up in play.

The cards:
1) Level 20 Secret Service (Steve Jackson always wins against the Secret Service)
2) Level 14 Even Worse Hands (Eric Flint is at +12 to beat them)
3) Level 13 Daryl McBride (Eric Raymond always wins against Daryl McBride)
4) Level 10 William Effing Shatner (Wil Wheaton MUST help you fight, and he gets all the treasure.)

Steve Jackson drew the William Effing Shatner card. Wil had to help him fight, and between the two of them, they had him beat. Then Eric Raymond threw “… and its CLONE!” into the fray, and suddenly Wil and Steve were in danger of being beaten. But Steve had a one-shot up his sleeve. “Semi-Final Strike” tripled the value of his cyborg deely-boppers, at the cost of destroying them. BOOOM! William Effing Shatner AND his clone fell before the combined forces of Steve Jackson and Wil Wheaton, before a crowd of exuberant, jubilant spectators. We all cheered.

Wil ended up winning the game, via some very masterful playing of one-shots and character abilities in the last round. And he talked me into preventing Steve from winning by playing a card that could ALSO have been used against him. You know what? I don’t care. I had a BLAST watching the players react to the cards I’d drawn, and William Effing Shatner was the hit I hoped he’d be.

Linucon, Thursday

Thursday was mostly travel. Chalain and I flew out of SLC at 7:07am, and arrived in Austin at ten ’till one. It was a fun pair of flights — especially playing the “Mystery Science Theater” commentary game with the Skymall catalog. There was this dog in a rolling suitcase-for-dogs, and I suggested that for non-dog-lovers the case was nice because you could just zip it up.

“We call him ‘Barky'”
“He does tricks, too. Do you want to see ‘Poops-in-the-bag?'”

I’m still giggling. Maybe you had to be there.

I spent the afternoon with Steve Jackson and Michelle Barrett (I may have misspelled her name) discussing merchandising and stuff. This was a great discussion — expect to see some cool new shirts soon, and other projects will follow.

There were a lot of things going on last night. The best one was the 10 hours of sleep I got after soaking in the hot-tub. This morning I feel rejuvenated. No, wait. I got almost no sleep Wednesday night…. I don’t just feel rejuvenated. I feel RESURRECTED.

