All posts by Howard Tayler

The Angry Birds Movie 2

You may recall my surprise when I loved The Angry Birds Movie, and enjoyed it more than I enjoyed Captain America: Civil War. That’s a pretty high bar to clear, especially for a sequel, but The Angry Birds Movie 2 takes a really good run at it, and, at least in places, out-performs the first film for me.

Here’s a metric. I almost laughed myself unconscious one time (something which I can actually do thanks to asthma). The first film almost did that to me three times. (So, three times it almost did it.)

This doesn’t mean the first film is three times better, or three times funnier—just that it surprised me more. And I suppose that’s more my fault than it is the film’s. I study humor for a living, and went into The Angry Birds Movie 2 expecting some amazing joke-craft, so I was (mostly) ready for it.

YMMV, of course.

The Angry Birds Movie 2 may have an oddly-constructed title (is there an extra word in there?) but it crosses my Threshold of Awesome nonetheless.  I’ll be buying the Blu-Ray, too, because re-watching these films and studying the way the animators, writers, and voice actors work together to craft a joke is, in fact, part of my job, making the disc a business expense.

I’m super fortunate that there are no laws against business expenses being fun, because this film is a lot of fun.

Hobbs & Shaw

The F³ (Fast and Furious Franchise) is now the FFCU (Fast and Furious Cinematic Universe) and I’m just fine with that. Hobbs & Shaw crosses my Threshold of Awesome, and if you can accept that it’s just a sans-a-cape superhero film, I suspect you’ll enjoy it as much as I did.  My Suspenders of Disbelief went TWANG and my Trousers of Sit Here And Have Fun stayed on just fine.

BRAIN: “Cars don’t work that way”
SUSPENDERS: “These are magic cars”
BRAIN: “But… physics?”
SUSPENDERS: “Secondary-world urban fantasy. Different physics here.”
BRAIN: “That guy should be dead. Like, six times over.”
SUSPENDERS: “He’s a magic-super. His powers are ‘punch’ and ‘don’t die.'”
BRAIN: “What about the woman shooting things out of the sky while hanging on to a car as it barrel-rolls through a plate-glass window?”
SUSPENDERS: “I already said ‘magic cars’.”
BRAIN: “She’s not inside this one.”
SUSPENDERS: “Her super-magic is that if her brother asks if she trusts him, and she says yes, she can be super-humanly awesome while touching whatever car he’s driving.”
BRAIN: “That power seems a bit narrow in focus.”
SUSPENDERS: “It’s a good thing the two of them figured it out before he barrel-rolled their car out a fifth-story plate glass window.”
BRAIN: “She let go of the car for a moment there, it looks like. Not touching it.”
SUSPENDERS: “That’s kind of like kryptonite. It adds tension to the scene.”
BRAIN: “Tension. That’s what that was?”
SUSPENDERS: *TWANG* “The trousers are still on, yes.”
BRAIN: “How can you even—”
SUSPENDERS: “MY super-magic is if I trust the movie to be fun, I can suspend all the disbelief.”

TypecastRPG, Tonight!

Watch me tonight at 9pm Eastern on Twitch

Tonight’s episode is the next installment of the Gods of Vaeron story, using the D&D 5e ruleset. Dan Wells is our Dungeon Master, and the players will be Natasha Ence, Mari Murdock, Charlie Holmberg, Ethan Sproat, and Howard Tayler (←me).

I’ve been experimenting a bit with sketch cards during the game sessions. It’s possible we’ll have our art cam up and running tonight. Eventually these cards will be giveaways for our Twitch subscribers. It’s possible we’ll figure THAT out tonight, too, and start putting things in the mail!

GenCon Indy 2019

I’m in Indianapolis for GenCon Indy this week. You can find me at Booth 1749 with Jim Zub, Sandra Tayler, and our outstanding  booth crew: Darrin, Robin, and Mike. 

I don’t have any panel scheduling this year, which is kind of awesome for me. Also, it’s awesome for YOU, because you’re more likely to be able to find me in the exhibit hall¹.

I’m bringing my markers this year, along with about 100 sketch cards. Do you want a 100% original piece of artwork? Maybe have me do a Schlock-ish version of your Shadowrun character? NO PROBLEM. Just bring money².

Jim and I will have all kinds of merchandise: Skullkickers troves, Schlock Mercenary boxed sets, Wayward books, Planet Mercenary RPG worldbooks, dice, and cards, and we’ll have just a few pre-release copies of the brand new Wayward board game.

We’ll both be at GenCon Indy through the end of the show on Sunday, but don’t wait until then to find us. We run out of stuff every year.

¹ I do sometimes take breaks. If you follow me on Twitter you’ll be able to see whether or not I’ve scheduled myself for one.
² I’m terrible about pricing these things. Let’s just say $20, because if I say less than that my booth captain Darrin AND my project manager Sandra will be cross with me. But as always, sketches in the backs of Schlock books are free.