I just came off of a scripting jag.
Jag? Is that the right word? I don’t know. I was writing, like, really well, and like, really LOTS, and it would seem that I used it all up before I, like, got back to my Journal, you know?
No, you don’t get to read the scripts yet. They’ll air the week I turn 37. Hey! a Prime Number! I haven’t turned Prime since I turned 31!
Too .. much .. capi- coffee. Coffee. 😀
But think of all the factorizations you’ve had since then!
2^2 * 3^2!
5 * 7!
2 * 17!
3 * 11!
permutations of age?
I will take great pleasure in telling my friends that I’m turning “five squared” this August. *grin* Thanks for the idea.
Also, yay for good scripts! Considering my opinion of the general level of your writing ability (you’re very good) I look forward to any scripts that you yourself say are really good.
Re: permutations of age?
Sounds better than passing your quarter century.
Watch your notation
Are the ‘!’s there to denote emphasis or factorials? Careful…
I turn prime (31) this May! (emphasis)
Re: Watch your notation
Emphasis, of course.
I choose to ignore your warning, though. The context makes it pretty clear.
I haven’t hear much about the Ovalqwiki (probably spelling it wrong) lately. Is that something you inject bits into here and there, or is it something you do in a burst-based fashion like the way it sounds that you do scripting, drawing and coloring?
Yeah, jag works. Rockin’.