Tag Archives: Merchandise

Only Three Days Left!

This Kickstarter of ours is a quick one¹. It closes on Friday, so if you want the Game Chief’s Deluxe RPG “Handbrain” Screen, you should pledge today. Or tomorrow. But don’t wait until Thursday, because by then you may have become distracted by other things, and then it will be Saturday…

I’ll be posting a photo tutorial later today explaining how to use some simple hobby paint tools land techniques to make the ABS plastic screen look like it’s made of rusty wrought iron.

¹ The project had to fit between a couple of other things: the earliest date at which we could, in good conscience, launch another Kickstarter, and the last possible date at which we can give the manufacturer numbers for the run, and still ship stuff in July². 

² Why July? Because August is full, and September is full, and October is aghast at how ragged we are after our slog through August and September, and November is like “are you ready for the holiday stuff yet?”

PLANET MERCENARY Goes to Print This Monday

Ten days ago I finished my last big piece of writing for Planet Mercenary. Yesterday Sandra and I finished the last small piece. Today we reviewed the cover layout, and realized it’s ready to be sent to the printer.

This has taken much longer than I wanted it to, but the project looks much, much better than I believed it could. Part of the delay is due to repeated discoveries that we could be doing something better, and then deciding to do it better. And of course another part of the delay is us not knowing how to work as quickly as we originally thought we could.

If you backed the project, your book (and anything else that ships with it) will be shipped July. If you didn’t back the project you can still use Backerkit to place a pre-order, but that link will go away in a few weeks. Eventually we’ll have Planet Mercenary in the Schlock Mercenary Store, but that’s not going to happen before July.

I need to write a whole different post talking about how awesome Sandra and Alan are, and how grateful I am that they figured out how to work with, and around me. For now I’ll just say that in terms of actual work done, Sandra’s name is listed at least one position too far to the right.

Note: The cover art above is by Jeff Zugale, and was laid out (along with the rest of the pages in the book) by Mike Brodu under Sandra Tayler‘s direction. The fact that the logo I designed two years ago is still a part of all this is evidence more of the force of my personality than my skill at logo design.

Schlock Mercenary PDFs

The first six Schlock Mercenary books are available in PDF format.

That’s right, if you want to read Schlock Mercenary electronically, offline, without taking up the space associated with physical books, we have a solution for you.

For your convenience, here are abbreviated listings and specs for the PDFs.


THE TUB OF HAPPINESS, Schlock Mercenary Volume 1

240 pages
Format: DRM-free PDF
File Size: 305MB

Welcome to Tagon’s Toughs, a mercenary company whose newest recruit is almost as much trouble as the new owners. 

THE TERAPORT WARS, Schlock Mercenary Volume 2

240 pages
DRM-free PDF
File Size: 305MB

Schlock, Tagon, and the rest of the company hunt for eyeballs, embroil themselves in a battle for galactic domination, and then look for honest work. 

UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, Schlock Mercenary Volume 3

80 pages
DRM-free PDF
File Size: 99MB

Tagon’s mercenary company has been  company dragooned into government service. General Xinchub is going to pay them to hunt down their friends… unless they give him a reason to blow them up without paying them at all.

THE BLACKNESS BETWEEN, Schlock Mercenary Volume 4

96 pages
DRM-free PDF
File Size: 107MB

Captain Tagon, Sergeant Schlock, and the Toughs still have ‘government problems,’ but now they’ve attracted the attention of something ancient, invisible, and very, very much worse.


80 pages
DRM-free PDF
File Size: 162MB

In need of refits, repairs, and paying work, the Toughs find exactly what they’re looking for… except for the bit where the recipe for ‘landmine’ has been scrambled across the small appliance buffer.

RESIDENT MAD SCIENTIST, Schlock Mercenary Volume 6

144 pages
Format: DRM-free PDF
File Size: 183MB

When teraports start missing their destinations across the galaxy the inventor of the Teraport must find a solution. Unfortunately for Tagon’s Toughs, said inventor works for them, and whether or not he’s got problems to solve they have incoming fire to deal with first…

Delivery, Bandwidth, and Future Plans

Any PDF purchases you make from us can be accessed immediately by logging in to your Schlock Mercenary Store account. An email will be sent with a link after the order is completed, but the mail-bot sometimes takes a day or so to come back from whatever passes for “break time.”  If you have any trouble accessing your file, email schlockmercenary@gmail.com. We’ll make sure you get your stuff.

Our store’s ISP handles digital delivery nicely, but there is some throttling going on, and bandwidth is not cheap. We’ll be staggering the releases of the later PDFs (Books 7 through 12, as of this writing) to conserve bandwidth.

Some of these Schlock Mercenary collections have been available in the past from Baen Books.

Shopping Schlock Mercenary for the Holidays

From time to time people ask us: “what’s the best way to support Schlock Mercenary?” Here are some answers!

Shop at Amazon with the Schlock Link

Just click on this link before beginning your Amazon.com shopping trip, and we’ll get a small portion of what you spend.

Shop With Us Directly

We’ve got plenty of merchandise for your consideration:

70momem-adv-pristine-onwetproofs2Pre-Order Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries and/or the Planet Mercenary RPG

This link will take you to Backerkit, where you can pre-order Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries in defaced and/or pristine versions², as well as the Planet Mercenary tabletop role-playing game.

Share the comic with a friend

Do you know people who might enjoy reading Schlock Mercenary? The archives are oppressively deep, but there are good starting points³ at the beginning of books 10, 11, and 12. You might even start them at book 15. If they decide they want to go back to the beginning, they totally can.

¹Sandra wrote two children’s books, which were illustrated by Angela Call. They’re beautiful, and make great gifts.

²The pristine version has scholarly annotations under the maxims, and lots of white space. The non-pristine version has handwritten notes from both Tagons, Murtaugh, and Schlock in the margins. The pristine version is pictured atop the wet proofs for pages from the non-pristine version.

³Seriously, don’t start people at the beginning. Just don’t.