Category Archives: Journal

This is me rambling about me, mostly. Current stuff: home, family, my head’s on fire… that kind of thing. This also includes everything imported from LiveJournal.

And Now, Cookies!

It’s like this: for the next 25 days I’m going to be burning through whatever social capital I’ve accumulated in order to drive eyeballs and open wallets at this thing. But I don’t want that to be all I talk about. You’ll get bored, and I’ll get stressed out, and then I’ll just get louder and oh! Look! COOKIES!


Long-time reader, first time cookie-sender Blaine sent me this box of shortbread cookies topped with lemon rind, a recipe inspired by the “puckerdoodles” from Force Multiplication.

They were baked by Blaine’s partner Lysander of LDOriginals, and I must say he did a solid job with them. I should also confess to sharing them around generously. My family got one half of the batch, and I got the other.

The Planet Mercenary Kickstarter is Live

The Planet Mercenary Kickstarter is live!


Head over to the project page for the full story. Here’s a stripped down summary:

  • The project runs for 34 days, and will close at noon Mountain time on Monday, May 18th
  • $45,000 is the bare-bones funding goal
  • The $150,000 stretch goal is Karl Tagon’s personal, annotated hard-copy of The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries. Oh yes…
  • You probably want the $75 pledge level. $45 will get you the book, but $75 automatically includes some goodies out in Stretch Goal country.

Thanks for your support, everyone. This has been a long time coming, and we’re looking forward to making something awesome.

Kickstarter Prep: It’s Time to Shoot a Video

Most successful projects have a video, and mine have been no exception to this rule. For me, however, unless a project is about making videos I have no desire to watch a video about the project. Words and pictures are plenty.PlanetMercenaryLogo-250px

This is one of those cases where I have to own up to the fact that I am not my customer. That’s why today Alan and I will be heading down to the Hypernode warehouse and shooting some videos, including a bunch of stuff the kids are calling “B-roll.”

The Planet Mercenary Kickstarter goes live just 72 hours from now, which probably doesn’t give Alan’s video team much time to edit, but even if they’re hurried I suspect that won’t be why I look awkward and uncomfortable on camera.

Hullmetal from JayPig

I got some artwork from a fan last fall, and I was too busy to blog about it at the time. One thing led to another, and now it is spring, which means I’m a horrible person for not having said anything sooner. Here’s the piece:


It’s a chunk of aluminum made to look like a piece of the Kitesfear’s hull. I kind of love it, and it holds a prominent place in my office.

If you’d like to have something like this for your own mantle, the artist, JayPig, has a store for just that sort of commerce. If I’m reading things correctly, you can get something like this for as little as $20. At that price I may commission a chunk of a Planet Mercenary delivery box…