You may or may not be familiar with the expression “When all you’ve got is a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail.”
Well, this evening I cooked a strip of bacon on my new grill.
It drained onto the “flavor bar” (that’s what Weber calls folded strips of metal — elongated, upside-down ‘V’ bars) and produced a minimum of flare-up considering the amount of grease involved. It also smoked up the inside of the grill quite nicely. Oh, and when it came off, it was crispy and perfect.
The cost of the fuel I used was probably 20 times what it costs to cook the same strip of bacon over natural gas in a small fry-pan indoors, but who’s counting cost? I cooked bacon on a barbecue grill!
Oh, and the house did NOT smell like bacon when I finished, so I would have been able to eat it without the kids begging for some had I not pranced about the kitchen announcing that I’d cooked bacon on the barbecue grill. As it is, I had to commit to making pancakes and bacon for a night-time snack for everybody.
Pancakes are going to be tougher, seeing as there’s no griddle. Hmmm…