My neighbor’s son just took his own life…

I just learned that my neighbor’s son just took his own life. I think he was 25, or thereabouts. He’d recently gotten a job at Novell, working in security. We’d met a couple of times in the halls, and in the lunchroom, and we’d spent time sitting on the porch there in our little cul-de-sac, just talking about stuff.

He looked happy. He was always smiling.

I feel sick.

And right now, I can’t even remember his first name.


Some cross-posting

For those of you interested in Disc Golf, there’s an LJ community where I posted this rant about some new discs I bought.

I need to follow it up with a rant about how that particular community might as well be a fence-post for all the feedback I get back out of it. Except for the one time I posted pictures from Rotterdam, that is. You’d think those guys were spending all their time outdoors, playing disc golf, rather than sitting inside at the computer reading live jour… oh. Never mind.

(Oh, and whoops. Somebody just replied to my post. Forget that fence-post comment, really. I meant nothing by it.)

Additional cross-posting can be found in the Open Letter, itself cross-posted to the SchlockTroops LJ Community, which you really ought to read if you like webcomics, because there’s fun “inside story” stuff in there. Go clicky!

What else… hrrmm…

And now Sandra is home…

Sandra left Boise about 6 hours after I did, and arrived back here around 9:30. I called her when she was about 40 minutes out (how DID we get by before the age of cell-phones?) and determined that I needed to fix a dinner to be served upon arrival. The kids had been eating nothing but snack food since lunch, and needed something “real” to go to bed on.

So I made spaghetti. I won’t bore you with the details, save to say I made sure to prepare it so that the smells were permeating the house. That way appetites would be better stimulated, and kids would be that much more likely to eat.

Well, at the door I discovered one of my kids was missing. Sandra traded Kiki (our oldest daughter) for a little boy cousin Link’s age, whom I will lovingly refer to as “Howler.” Kiki will stay in Idaho with a girl cousin her age for about a week.

We’ll see how Howler and I get on. I suspect I have to return him in good condition in order to get Kiki back. The good news is, of the kids who sat down to eat the spaghetti I prepared, Howler plowed through it fastest and furthest.


Writer, Illustrator, Consumer