Long story short: I got out my single-burner Camp Chef grill and found it unusable. Sandra and I had decided to put off buying a nice gas grill this year, since we thought the Camp Chef would hold us through the summer. We were wrong. Sandra decided to free up some money, and sent me out…
Now for the rest of the story:
I’ve been looking at grills for a while now. I popped down to Home Depot, found what I wanted, pre-assembled, and noticed that it was not going to fit in my beetle, or in the minivan. So I drove home, borrowed a large truck from a neighbor, and headed back to HD.
The “refuel me now” light was on. Well, okay. I decided to call it truck rental, and I put $25 worth of fuel in this beast. I noticed a girl smiling at me as I scrambled back up into it. She was not smiling in a “gee, you’re cute” way. She was smiling in a “you must be compensating for something if you’re driving a truck that big, shorty” kind of way.
Well, yeah. I’m compensating for the fact that this grill won’t fit in my minivan.
So… Home Depot. I got the grill, some nice grilling tools, a cover, a propane refill (the full tank I purchased at Sam’s Club got emptied in my garage, probably by Gleek who admits to “just cleaning it.” The good news is that my house did not blow up.) and four bungie cords to hold the thing in place. That’s $500 for the grill, $55 for the cover, and the rest of it plus tax came to $630.
I got it home, Sandra and I got it set up, and here it was, noon. The meat was marinating but not ready. I was hungry. I just dropped $655 on getting a grill onto my back deck (can’t forget the $25 I dropped on truck fuel), and I was going to grill something, by gum.
So… I made a hot dog. Actually, I made two. So I guess that’s two $327.50 hot dogs. Not quite so bad. And now that we’ve had dinner, I really ought to prorate the cost of the grill across 6 skewers of meat and four skewers of veggies.
Prorated evenly, Each skewer and each hot-dog cost $54.58.
This has been the most expensive barbecue I’ve ever had, and I’m not even counting the cost of the meat.