I don’t know WHAT is wrong with me today, but I’m loopy.
A year or so ago I had a mild anaphylactic reaction to my allergy shots, and they gave me a shot of ephedrine to pull me out of it. I feel today like I felt after getting that shot — loopy, shaky, and perpetually tired.
This morning I was afraid to drive myself to work, I was so loopy, so I called in sick for the AM, and took a nap. I was out for almost 90 minutes, and when I came to I was still tired, but less loopy. I got myself into the office just fine, got a couple of emails answered, and then lay down on the floor of my office for another hour. Gah!
All I can figure is that the store-brand “nyquil” I took last night at 11:00pm is not settling well with me. There aren’t any other medications in my system. But that stuff shouldn’t still be around 15 hours later — here it is 2:00pm, and I’m STILL tired and loopy.
The good news is I’m pretty sure I’m going to be okay driving myself HOME.