My father-in-law took all of us (15 of us) to see The Incredibles this morning at 11:00am. The theater was pretty packed, and the movie seriously rocked.
The best part, though… my son Link (age 7) is terrified of movie theaters. They’re big, dark, and loud, and it’s all I can do to drag him into one. I finally got him settled next to me, and during the film he mostly sat curled up with his hands over his ears.
Then “Dash” (the short, fast kid in the previews) started really mixing it up with the bad guys, and Link got into the wish-fulfillment, fantasy-life thing that drags ALL of us who love superheroes into the genre. He giggled. He cheered. He took his hands off his ears and got into the movie. We (me and my boy) made a breakthrough. Sure, there were big, scary robo-monster things in the movie, but by the time they showed up, Link was INTO it, and he stuck it out.
Right after the movie I ducked the whole family and went to Ann Morrison park for a round of Disc Golf. I ended up wading for my 167g Champion Valkyrie, and that put a bit of a (ahem) damper on things, but overall it was nice to play again. Except for the fact that my game sucked HARD. Sure, I sank a couple of cool putts, and threw a couple of great drives, but mostly I was wandering around muttering at my discs.
I’d have rather gone to see the movie again.
This evening we went to my neice’s baptism. I won’t trouble you with details, save to say that it was wonderful, very spiritual, and my sister-in-law can’t navigate. Fortunately, she navigated badly on the way HOME, so we weren’t late or anything. Just stressed out as we caravanned around Kuna, Idaho in smoky fogs worthy of Minas Morgul.
Oh yeah. This FOG. Wow. Any LJ users in the Boise area are welcome to weigh in with THEIR fog stories. This stuff has been a hazy annoyance all day (except in the center of town, so my wading for the Valkyrie was done in sunshine), but by 8pm it rolled in THICK, and stank of the coal fire from the sugar plant here in the vally. Wow.