The Physician’s Assistant, Whitney, called me to talk about the blood work we took a week ago. Short version: Epstein-Barr, which is pretty common but usually latent. Mine acted up, and I had what amounts to a relapse of mononucleosis, or “mono.”
As I said on the Twitter feed, the diagnosis may have been mono, but it felt more like Dolby Surround Sound 5.1.
Anyway, I’m fine now. As an added bonus, I’m not crazy. I really WAS sick. Also, I have yet another reason to eat nutritiously. A strong immune system is the best defense against another relapse. Okay, okay, fine. I’ll have another salad.
Very glad it turned out to be something not horrible. Cheers!
Very glad it turned out to be something not horrible. Cheers!
Are you getting enough vitamin D? Crappy Utah weather being what it is, most people need more than they can get from sunlight in the winter time.
Are you getting enough vitamin D? Crappy Utah weather being what it is, most people need more than they can get from sunlight in the winter time.
I thought Epstein-Barr was chronic fatigue, not mono. Or are the two related? Either one sucks.
Same virus, different diseases. No one’s really sure what causes chronic fatigue- the popular theory is that it’s a low-level case of mono that never really goes away.
I thought Epstein-Barr was chronic fatigue, not mono. Or are the two related? Either one sucks.
Same virus, different diseases. No one’s really sure what causes chronic fatigue- the popular theory is that it’s a low-level case of mono that never really goes away.
Glad to hear you are feeling better.
Glad to hear you are feeling better.
Well, not about this, anyways…
Well, not about this, anyways…
..your blood has a subwoofer?
What do aquatic dogs have to do with this?
..your blood has a subwoofer?
What do aquatic dogs have to do with this?
It’s good to know that you’re not crazy.
Immune system boosters – onions and especially their cousin GARLIC! I eat plenty of it and take a supplement. It’s great. Good for the heart too.
It’s good to know that you’re not crazy.
Immune system boosters – onions and especially their cousin GARLIC! I eat plenty of it and take a supplement. It’s great. Good for the heart too.
Good for the clean diagnosis. That’s better than going along thinking “what the hqiz is the matter with me.” Glad you’re on the mend.
Good for the clean diagnosis. That’s better than going along thinking “what the hqiz is the matter with me.” Glad you’re on the mend.
Glad you’re feeling better, and that you got a diagnosis! Mono sucks.
Glad you’re feeling better, and that you got a diagnosis! Mono sucks.