Three years ago, on January 31st of 2004, I was still employed by Novell. I also found a whole bunch of free time SOMEWHERE, and cranked out the conclusion to Book II (Schlock Mercenary: The Blackness Between) in a day. The inked buffer climbed from 37 to 42 on that day, and 42 is the highest the buffer has ever been.
Well, ALMOST ever. The buffer is at 42 today, because yesterday I scripted, pencilled, and inked my way from 34 to 43. So yeah, there’s a new record.
It’s kind of a trivial thing, though, because sometime in the next few weeks I’ll break the record AGAIN. Monday the buffer will be at 40 (there are two more strips left to ink in this batch, which I’ll be doing tomorrow), which means that by Wednesday I’ll be at 45.
As I’ve mentioned before, this year I want to add a week to the inked buffer every month. I began the year with 3 weeks in the can. It’s not even March yet, and I’ve got six weeks in the can. So yeah, this record is destined to be short-lived. I’ll lose a week here and there for convention travel, and maybe for sickness or vacations, but I’m banging out extra weeks like this last one in order to keep on track.
In other news, the colored buffer still sucks — 10 days. My OTHER goal is to get the colored buffer to within a week or two of the inked buffer this year, and that’s proving more difficult. Or at least more tedious. Sitting in front of the computer feels too much like work.
Which, by the way, I probably ought to get back to. I’ve colored four so far today, and ought to bang out a few more.
You’re pretty awesome.
Just thought I’d say. 🙂
I was gonna say maybe it was that your artwork has dramatically improved, thus requiring more time now, but you said 2004, not 2000.
More likely you were drawing at work. 😉