The biggest problem with this new hobby of mine is that my birthday wish-list can no longer be automated with the help of
I want metal.
Boxes and boxes of soft, white metal, sculpted into fantastic shapes worthy of dreams and nightmares.
When I was a kid my parents would let us pore over the Sears catalog and circle the toys we most wanted Santa to bring us. We always ended up dog-earing and circling almost every page in that section of the book.
My Privateer Press catalog would look the same way if I let myself write on the pages. And don’t get me started on Vallejo paints or Reaper minis.
My friend, we have a diagnosis.
I know that feeling. I was the same way when I was looking at the Vor miniatures. “Oh that’s a nice Growler, and I need a squad of Union troops, and wow those Neo-Soviets are awesome, better get some Pharon too…”
If you want to see how bad it gets I’ll take a picture of my “to be played with later” box. Then my desk. Then the rest of the room…..
You too will soon have a Shelf of Shame – where the primed and unpainted minis lurk and occasionally whine at you.
I don’t paint minis, but I do so love my Vallejo paints for my custom My Little Ponies. They’re definitely worth every cent.
I’m at least a decade behind the times but I always liked the Ral Parthas.
Welcome to the world of lead addiction….
Mmmmm, Reaper minis are well and truly sexy. I’ve never liked the Privateer stuff all that much. It’s a little TOO specific to be useful in other games, at least IMHO.
My personal fave miniature sculptor in the world though is none other than Mark Copplestone ( who does everything from 1920’s gangsters to yetis to barbarian queens. The cost of shipping form the UK can be a pain, but they’re more than worth it!
Re: Welcome to the world of lead addiction….
Yeah, unless you’re playing a steampunk campaign, the Privateer Press figs aren’t going to cut it.
Hey, lookit that! I’m playing lots of Steampunk lately. 🙂
Re: Welcome to the world of lead addiction….
Ya know, it’s amazing how those cooincidences seem to work out 🙂
I have so much in the way of unpainted minis, it isn’t funny. Only the fact that I use the money from my OT and not the household fund keeps the missus from ebaying them… 😉
Actually, I have a ton of Ogre miniatures that I need to paint. I love the paint schemes from the Ogre Miiniatures books and the SJ Games website, but I want to paint mine different. But I can’t decide on anythign I like more. Dang!
I’ve also got a bunch of Void miniatures that I want to use for Frag. Just need to get some new paints. The old ones have dried out a bit.