I’ve got this row of forecast icons on the status bar in Firefox, and I’ve been watching Saturday’s weather. When it was a week out it was a sunny day. Four days out and it had a “mostly cloudy” icon. Three days out and it showed as being “rainy.”
Two days out and it shows as “colder, with snow and rain.”
Even when I checked the weather every day at weather.com, I never got this sort of graphical insight into how the forecast for a day may change as it gets closer.
Anyway, forecastfox is fun. I forget who pointed me at it, but thank you.
ok, that’s frikkin’ cool.
Nice utility… thx for pointing it out. 🙂
You thanked me once already ( http://www.livejournal.com/users/howardtayler/135565.html ), but you’re still entirely welcome. 😉
I’ve had it for awhile now… you know how you cutomise it? Well, I had to create an entire toolbar just to fit it all on. Weather forecasting never used to be this much fun!
Speaking of nifty mod’s, have you seen tagzillia [no it’s not a prowrestler in a monster suit]. It’s a rather handy little gizmo that works as well with firefox as mozillia. [I run 1.07, the latest build and it’s ok].
Basically it’s a organizer and insertion utiity for all those nifty taglines or footers that people put at the bottom of posts; mail, newsgroups or blogs. [well, I’ve tested it on Blogger and LJ].
Uses Accu-weather. Boooooo!!!
Yeah. Oh well.
Point me at one that uses YOUR forecasts, cuz, and I’ll be on it in a rat’s heartbeat.
Just did a quick google and found this…
I haven’t tried this one, have you?
We have a good working relationship with the weather channel, so you can go to those guys if you want. The head guys at Accuweather want to dismantle the National Weather Service, while the Weather Channel promotes us.
The reason for the late reply is that I just got the LJ post e:mail notification. Something got gummed up in the works. Probably LJ.com’s fault.
There’s a widget for Mac OSX’s dashboard that does the same thing. On those the code is editable, so some day I want to learn how it works and switch it from accuweather to Weather Underground. They’re the best for nighttime clear/cloudy info, which I like to know.
I tried it out for a while, but it slogged down Firefox enough that I finally uninstalled it. If I really need to know the weather, Weather.com is a shortcut away, but that isn’t often enough for me.