Linucon, Day 0

Today was my “travel and meetings” day. Travel was fine, if cramped. I haven’t been on a plane that was too small for my carryons in a long time.

Maybe I should stop hauling this piano around.

Anyway, the rest of the day was spent in the excellent company of Steve Jackson. We discussed lots of things, including a new and improved schedule for the first of the Schlock Mercenary books. I won’t trouble you with it here, except to say that it won’t be ready in time for Christmas. The good news: the new schedule will work, provided I don’t try to catch the bus with my pants down around my ankles.

I’m not sure that metaphor means what I want it to mean. I need to pee now, though.

I spent the evening with Steve and his local crew of MIBs, employees, and regulars playtesting the planned expansion for the Illuminati game. I’d never played Illuminati before — it’s a hoot. Being able to say things like “The South American Nazis are going to take over Microstuff with the help of the Minions of Cthulhu” in intelligent company is a right treat.

Better still, I looked at the Microstuff card and quickly designed a polar opposite to represent the Open Source community. After all, in any proper Illuminati-based conspiracy, Open Source has to play SOME part.

Okay, it’s bedtime. I took my melatonin, and tomorrow will be a busy day.


16 thoughts on “Linucon, Day 0”

  1. Being able to say things like “The South American Nazis are going to take over Microstuff with the help of the Minions of Cthulhu” in intelligent company is a right treat.

    Yes. Yes, it is. =)

  2. We noted this at the last con I was at – Illuminati’s a fun game to just listen to.

    “The Mafia are going to attempt to take control of Christmas.”

  3. Ahh, Illuminati.

    Sadly, no one else but my girlfriend will play, and do you know how difficult it is to be ruthless when you’re being hit by the doe-eyed, “Why you doing this to me? Don’t you love me?” treatment?


    1. Then come to Linucon!

      Or Penguicon.

      We play Illuminati here.

      There’s also a new Chez Geek expansion playtesting at Linucon that I hope to make time to play: Chez Guevara. Yes really.


      1. Nooooo. Not in the forseeable future, at any rate. I live in Malaysia, and flying to the United States is hard, tiring, and can be pretty expensive.

        Plus, life’s been busy of late, and there’s no time! No time!

    2. Is it a bad thing that I recognize that pattern of laughter from Sinfest?

      And yeah. I went rough on my girlfriend in Munchkin once, and she never let me forget it…

      1. Is it a bad thing that I recognize that pattern of laughter from Sinfest?

        What? Really? I don’t remember where I stole the icon from, but Sinfest? Tatsuya Ishida?

        But but but but I don’t even like Sinfest anymore. I’ve always found it somewhat… wanky.

        And yeah. I went rough on my girlfriend in Munchkin once, and she never let me forget it…

        Arrr, bein’ a gamer, ‘tis a solitary lifestyle.

  4. Very cool! Hmm, opportunity to play with the Illuminati cards you drew me tomorrow…. I would second the “want to see card you drew”, except I suspect it will be used in the expansion I can eventually go out and buy?

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