Timpview 7th Ward — Family History Class Resources

Hello, class members!¹

During the Timpview 7th Ward’s Family History Sunday school course I will reference some online resources. Since it wasn’t possible to find them all in one place (and was difficult to find some of them at all) I created this page. It’s for your use, and mine, and will be filling it with everything I can.

Everything here is curated by me, so please don’t treat this as a comprehensive list.

Instruction Materials

Official LDS Church Sponsored Links

RootsTech 2017 Handouts

Curated by my sister Alyson

Unofficial Links Loosely Curated by Howard³

Would you like to suggest a link? Say something in class! Or pass Howard a note in class. Or email Howard, if you already have his email address, which is not something he releases to the public on pages like this.

FOOTNOTES, because they make me seem scholarly

¹ If you’re not in Howard Tayler’s family history class on Sundays, the links above are completely without context. The class is an in-real-life event, held in a meetinghouse of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and Howard is the unpaid (and untrained, inexperienced) instructor.

² The official LDS.org online links to these manuals have gone stale, and return “file not found” pages. I’ve hunted down the PDFs and hosted them here so that we do not lose them. 

³ These are materials that I enjoy, and that I have learned from. They’re not LDS Church publications (obviously) and do not necessarily reflect my own beliefs (less obviously.) 

Writer, Illustrator, Consumer