Tag Archives: Tabletop Games

The Kickstarter for Munchkin Starfinder is Live!

The Munchkin Starfinder project launched Monday afternoon over at Kickstarter, and has already funded and blown past the first two stretch goals. I illustrated the cover and the cards, and aside from the fact that it was huge fun, I am psyched have gotten to contribute to the Munchkin product line¹.

This project is on a very short timeline. It closes in just ten days, on November 2nd. I’m confident that Steve Jackson Games will be printing enough of these that you won’t be required to participate in the Kickstarter to someday buy them, but Munchkin Starfinder will ship to backers before it shows up in stores.

¹ The full product line is large. Fortunately, you don’t have to buy all of it to enjoy it. In fact, if you’ve never played before you can absolutely make Munchkin Starfinder your very first Munchkin set.

Yeah, I’m Illustrating A Munchkin Deck

Steve Jackson approached me at GenCon Indy and asked whether I’d be interested in illustrating a Munchkin deck. Oh, and if so, when I might have the time for it? My answer, paraphrased, was “yes,” and “I will make time.”

That was late August. I made a whole bunch of time I didn’t even know I had the materials for during September and October, and for contractual reasons I spent that entire time referring  this very exciting gig as “super secret project.”

Today I can finally point you all at Munchkin® Starfinder and say “I helped make this.¹”

The cover art is a riff on the cover of the source material, Starfinder, the brand-new sci-fi+sorcery RPG from Paizo:

See what I did there?

The cover was one of the very first illustrations I did for the project². I can only take credit for the line art—the coloring and layout is someone else’s work, and they did a brilliant job of taking my riff and sticking the landing. It’s beautiful.

Steve Jackson Games³ is Kickstarting this project on October 23rd.  Don’t tell me how you can’t wait. The 23rd is close enough that it might as well be now. have been waiting since August 20th.

¹ My contributions, specifically, are the line-art. I don’t know who is doing the coloring, but they’re crushing it.
² A very clunky version of this cover was my “audition.” I’m quite pleased to tell you that my contract prevents me from showing it to anyone at this time. 
³ Got questions about the game? You should take those questions to Steve Jackson Games, because I don’t know anything useful.