I’m up too late tonight. Sandra and I stayed up to watch the “Once More With Feeling” episode from Buffy Season 6.
The XBox (our DVD player) was acting up in a bad way, but we FINALLY got it to play.
That episode was amazing. AMAZING. I’m still feeling giddy.
Of course, part of that is that it’s now 9:30 am in Joburg, and part of me thinks I should be up and at ’em. I’m not taking any more sleepy-pills, though. They’re habit-forming (probably not ADDICTIVE, but habit-forming) and they dry me out.
To bed. Tomorrow (well… TUESDAY) is a work-day, and I’m back in the office for the first time since May 21st.
p.s. No BVS spoilers, please. I’ve not seen any episodes past Season 6 disc 2.