Category Archives: Journal

This is me rambling about me, mostly. Current stuff: home, family, my head’s on fire… that kind of thing. This also includes everything imported from LiveJournal.

And now Sandra is home…

Sandra left Boise about 6 hours after I did, and arrived back here around 9:30. I called her when she was about 40 minutes out (how DID we get by before the age of cell-phones?) and determined that I needed to fix a dinner to be served upon arrival. The kids had been eating nothing but snack food since lunch, and needed something “real” to go to bed on.

So I made spaghetti. I won’t bore you with the details, save to say I made sure to prepare it so that the smells were permeating the house. That way appetites would be better stimulated, and kids would be that much more likely to eat.

Well, at the door I discovered one of my kids was missing. Sandra traded Kiki (our oldest daughter) for a little boy cousin Link’s age, whom I will lovingly refer to as “Howler.” Kiki will stay in Idaho with a girl cousin her age for about a week.

We’ll see how Howler and I get on. I suspect I have to return him in good condition in order to get Kiki back. The good news is, of the kids who sat down to eat the spaghetti I prepared, Howler plowed through it fastest and furthest.


Safely home again

The drive back from Boise was uneventful. There were fewer bugs smearing my beetle, more cars on the Idaho stretch by about a factor of 5, and fewer cars on the Utah stretch by an order of magnitude.

Anyway, I’m back now.

The one interesting thing I saw… a blue-green Jaguar sedan, driven by a woman with a somewhat aristocratic bearing. The license plate read “MOMOF10.”

Yes, this was on the Utah stretch.


A distinctly Mormon View, Part II

Well, it turns out my read on the Mormon view of the constitution is at odds with the recently published official view. This article details the official postion, as released on July 7th, and it’s pretty concise:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints favors a constitutional amendment preserving marriage as the lawful union of a man and a woman.

This raises a number of interesting questions, of which I’ll only touch on two:

1) If the constitution is amended, does this create a constitutionally-supported definition of religion?

2) If my personal belief is at odds with an official statement from the men I believe to be prophets, seers, and revelators, what happens next?
