If your only method for taking my pulse is asking “how often does this site update?” I probably seem kind of dead. Whoever it was who said “the rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated,” they nailed it.
Of late I’ve been focused almost entirely on the XDM2e project. Here’s a fun picture I drew for that book.
Once that project is complete, I’ll dive back into more Schlock Mercenary print editions. In the meantime, I’m still role-playing on Tuesdays with TypeCastRPG, and quietly developing the worldbook and back-stories for a completely new project which I’m not ready to announce yet.
The salient point here is that I’m still alive, and “alive” appears to be a stable, persistent sort of condition. Yay!
The chatroom has been a friendly place, and you’re welcome to join us. Ask me questions, even! I can absolutely talk while I draw².
¹ 12:00 noon Mountain time. That’s 2pm in New York City, 7pm in London, and 3am in Tokyo. ² It’s exactly like talking while walking. Sometimes it’s like talking while walking a familiar path. Sometimes it’s like talking while walking in traffic. Yes, complications have arisen from this.
Last week I signed the covers of all the copies of BIG DUMB OBJECTS necessary to fill pre-orders.
This week I begin sketching. You can see the wall of books in front of my sketching station, which, unlike stations for previous books, is configured with gear to allow me to live-stream the process.
The streams, when they happen, will be found at twitch.tv/howardtayler. I’m still waiting on a USB hub and a power strip, so it might be a day or two before I get started.
Then again, it might begin today. I have a lot of sketching to do, and waiting on UPS is not the way to get it done…
Big Dumb Objects is on its way back from the printer!
We had a couple of delays, but yesterday we received our advance copies of the book, along with some advance copies of the slipcase for books 12 through 16.
It wasn’t a big box of books, but it was full of new book smell. Which I wish I could share, because it’s awesome.
You’ve been waiting a long time for these, and the shipping container won’t actually get here until early May, and then I need to begin signing and sketching, so there’s a bit more waiting to be done.
But it’s a measurable wait. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it is definitely not a train.