Category Archives: Announcements

Hey, there’s something coming up that I want to tell you about!

ConFusion This Weekend

I’ll be attending ConFusion Through The Looking Glass in Detroit this weekend. I’m not on any panels (by choice) and I’m neither exhibiting (by choice) nor selling merchandise (you see the pattern here). I’m just hanging out.

If you’re there and would like something signed, and you happen to see me, it’s okay to ask. If I’m in the middle of something (like, say, a dinner with friends) then use good judgment.

I may bring work with me, so it’s possible you’ll see me sitting somewhere drawing comics. It’s just fine for you to talk to me while I’m drawing. Literally half my brain will be looking for something to do while the other half makes pictures, and since it’s the half with the language center, conversation fits the bill nicely.


Do You Design T-Shirts?

UPDATE: We have the applications we need! Thank you for your interest.

Sandra and I are looking to engage the services of a designer for a new round of Schlock Mercenary t-shirts. This will be a work-for-hire project that pays a flat fee for each design, plus a slice of the purchase price for each shirt sold.

We want awesome designs that will work well with silk-screening, discharge printing, and other fabric-related technologies. Familiarity with Schlock Mercenary is not required, but is always kind of nice. For scheduling purposes, the bulk of the work will be done during January of 2018.

Applicants should email with samples of their work and a short resume that highlights experience in this space. A link to an online art portfolio is a plus. We’ll be accepting applications through December 30th, or until the position has been filled.

Merchandise, And The Unapologetic Plugging Thereof

We’d like to draw your attention to some merchandise and end-of-year deals that may align with your holiday gift giving plans:

As Sandra was cleaning up our storage space, she found odds and ends of old merchandise. There weren’t enough of any one item to list them in the store, so we created the Schlock Mystery Box. For $25 you get $40-$70 of randomly selected Schlock merchandise, much of which is not available elsewhere. We also created a vinyl sticker grab bag for $10, and a small print grab bag for $5.

And of course you can always go browsing to fill in whichever Schlock books are missing from your collection. There are even PDF versions of the books for those who want their Schlock more portable.

Thank you so much for all of your support this past year.