Category Archives: Announcements

Hey, there’s something coming up that I want to tell you about!

Books 14 & 15: Final Week to Back Them!

The Kickstarter for Schlock Mercenary books 14 and 15 closes next Thursday. Our final three stretch goals are within reach, and but the very last one might be particularly interesting to you.

Remember those amorphs from the Martian circus, the ones who teamed up with Jud Shafter to rescue Lunesby? They’ve been having their own adventures…

The stretch goal is for R&D: if we meet the $125k mark we will be able to budget enough time for me to write a novel, sort of a pulpy adventure-mystery thing, about Shafter’s Shifters. Think “Doc Savage” meets “Dirk Gently,” with amorphs.

We won’t be delivering the novel as part of this Kickstarter. That would slow down the delivery of the two three books already promised. It will be its own project, available for pre-order or project-backing sometime in 2019. And yes, if the book does well enough, there could be more of them.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We’ve got one week left on the current project, and we’ve already funded sufficiently for some cool stuff like Maxim 70 Key Fobs and short story collections.

The remaining stretch goals—JSC and Sanctum Adroit Coins, a Sketchbook Retrospective PDF, and the Shafter’s Shifters R&D—are still just goals, and they’re not things we can reach without your support. Click through to the Kickstarter and join us!

Now It Is THREE Books

The Kickstarter Project for Schlock Mercenary books 14 and 15 has overfunded, and we’ve added an ebook of Howard’s short fiction to the deliverables.

That means it’s now a three book project.

That third title, An Honest Death And Other Stories, will be provided in PDF/ebook/Mobi formats. It includes the following stories:

  • “An Honest Death,” first published in Shadows Beneath
  • “U.I.” – first published in Shared Nightmares
  • “Flight of the Runewright “- First published in Space Eldritch
  • “Fall of the Runewrought” – first published in Space Eldritch II: The Haunted Stars

The collection is just over 46,000 words of non-Schlock Mercenary prose, and it’s available at no additional charge to backers who are getting the two Schlock Mercenary books. It’s also available on its own. For more details, check out the project!

Onward All Stretchy-Like

Our two-book Kickstarter project, launched last Tuesday, funded in just under twenty-four hours. About a week later we cleared our third stretch goal, so the project now includes fleet coins, desktop wallpapers, and a key-fob version of the ever-popular Maxim 70 coin (which I’ve come to consider something of a talisman.)

A few of the wallpapers are already available to backers. Yesterday I drew Cindercone, Neosynchronicity, and Broken Wind for the fleet coins. The Maxim 70 coin is already designed, so today I think I’ll draw comics.

There are more stretch goals ahead, including some really cool stuff that isn’t visible yet…

The Kickstarter is Live! (You have three weeks)

Here’s the two-book Kickstarter for Broken Wind and Delegates and Delegationvolumes 14 and 15 of Schlock Mercenary.

Everything you need to know about the project is over there at the project, and there’s even a FAQ for those things that you need to know, but which we didn’t know you needed to know until your need to know was made known.

Electronic versions of both books are included with your pre-order, and should the project over-fund sufficiently, we have some stretch goals. They include new challenge coins for the fleet of Tagon’s Toughs vessels, an ebook collection of some of my short fiction, and some stretchier goals which we’re keeping hidden for the time being.

We’re excited to finally be putting these two books into print. I love the stories, and I’m pleasantly resigned to the fact that with each book we release we get better at this thing we do. Once Broken Wind and Delegates and Delegation are bound up and laid down on paper they’ll be the best two books we’ve made.

Go get them.