Discovery CONTACT: See Myke & Friends Hunt Aliens

My friend Myke Cole is on TV again, this time on the Discovery Channel’s CONTACT, in which he, Mike Livingston, Sarah Cruddas, Nick Karnaze, Kawa Mawlayee, and Paul Beban, go hunting for answers to the question “have extraterrestrials made contact with humankind?”

This show is a LOT of fun. I did some fan art after episode one (before Paul and Kawa were introduced) and while I don’t actually expect the crew to find aliens to autopsy, they’re doing a fine job of making the case for alien visitation VERY hard to refute.

If I have a complaint, it’s that the show isn’t giving enough time to the asking of properly skeptical questions. That might be a choice made in the editing bay, however, because in my personal interactions with Myke, and my online interactions with Mike and Sarah, I get the impression that they’re very critical thinkers.

Not the sorts of people to hunt flying saucers with butterfly nets. My caricature does them a terrible disservice.

CONTACT airs on Wednesday nights on the Discovery Channel, and is available to cable subscribers for streaming on Discovery Go. 

Typecast RPG Tonight on Twitch

It’s Tuesday! That means tonight at 9pm Eastern I’ll be streaming¹ our Gods of Vareon D&D game with Dan Wells, Brian McClellan, Mari Murdock, Charlie Holmberg, and Ethan Sproat.

Last week Ethan took a shot of 140k Scoville hot sauce every time someone subscribed. This week we’ll do something different. I’ve offered to do a sketch based on each new subscriber’s suggestion, but ultimately it’s up to Dan².

Previous sessions are available on YouTube, but as an incentive to tune in on Twitch, the live show has a live-only after-party³, in which we take questions from the chat, and get randomly silly.

¹ Technically, our producer, the inimitable and ever-youthful Donald Mustard the Third will be doing all the streaming. The rest of us are just on camera when he works his magic.
² Unless Dan picks hot sauce, in which case it’s up to me, and I pick no hot sauce.
³ There was no after-party last week. Our Twitch stream crashed last week when something in the neighborhood dragged our upload speeds waaay down. We never did figure out what it was, but we DID determine that it was happening everywhere, and not just where we were streaming, so it’s safe to say that it was not a problem with Mr. Mustard’s magic.

Ready or Not

I saw the trailer for Ready or Not while watching Zombie Tidal Wave over on SyFy this weekend, and my verdict is that this made Zombie Tidal Wave worth it. My ticket alone probably doesn’t cover the ad spend for the studio, but it’s a start. Thank you for thinking of me!

Ready or Not is a tender, uplifting rom-com about spending the night playing hide-and-seek with your new in-laws who happen to also be clumsy-yet-determined serial murderers seeking to appease their dark lord. So, y’know… a nice break from superhero films. Also, not particularly tender or uplifting.

It didn’t quite cross my Threshold of Awesome because I don’t like being tense, or jump-scared, and it was only almost as funny as I was hoping it would be, but I definitely enjoyed myself. It did not disappoint, however. If I’d been with a couple of like-minded friends I would have been laughing out loud instead of on the inside, and that might have been better.

For me. Maybe not for my friends.

The R-rating is for gore and language, and there are generous helpings of both.

Barding Like a Bardy-Bard

I play Bard Odrak Ironthroat over at TypecastRPG, and in a very literally typecast manner, I’m a playing a bard who can draw. During each game session I sketch key moments, interpreting them for posterity so that the truth of our party’s epic ineptitude will be obscured by the tales our descendants tell about us.


For our first giveaway, follow TypeCastRPG on Twitter or Instagram, and then give this tweet an RT and a like.

Obviously, the pictures will have more meaning for you if you’re watching us play.

Previous sessions are available on YouTube, and we’re live on Twitch every Tuesday at 9pm Eastern. As an incentive to tune in on Twitch, the live show has a live-only “after party,” in which we take questions from the chat, and get randomly silly, secure in the knowledge that THIS part won’t end up on YouTube¹.

We haven’t gotten the ArtCam to work yet (my fault – my camera had 0 HP and failed its death saves) but future feeds may show off exactly how sloppy I am as I create these cards.

Future giveaways may happen on the TypecastRPG Instagram or Facebook accounts. Your home page for all things TypecastRPG is, where you can find links to our social media feeds, as well as helpful summaries of previous game sessions.

¹ I have it on good authority that the internet is really good at forgetting embarrassing things.

Writer, Illustrator, Consumer