All posts by Howard Tayler

I came downstairs to write about the evening because I needed to cool off before climbing into bed with Sandra.

No, we’re not fighting or anything. I had a half-teaspoon of Sudden Death sauce in a quarter-cup of mild salsa. When I was shoveling it in I was happy as a (severely addled) clam, but 5 minutes after I finished I let loose a burning belch that told me that my breath was probably halfway to being weapons-grade capsicum spray.

Snuggling someone with halitosis is annoying. Snuggling someone whose respiratory system is leaking tear gas is another matter entirely.

wrote a journal entry awhile back about burping after really spicy meals in which he counseled against the quiet, exhale-it-through-your-nose burp. Your tongue and throat may be pain-gated from all the capsicum, but unless you’ve been eating through your nose your sinuses are NOT hardened against that stuff. He concluded that cultures with spicy dishes tend to be cultures with loud burping because of natural selection: if they burp through their nose, they’ll DIE.

I’ve taken his advice to heart, but as I was typing my last journal entry I coughed. I covered my mouth, and the backblast got in my EYE. Note to self: polite coughing following spicy meals should only be attempted with both eyes firmly SHUT.


Happy times with the Bliss kids

The phone rang late this afternoon. I’d just polished off a small plate of tortilla chips with salsa and was sitting down to ink some comics, when Sandra came in and told me richardbliss was on the phone.

Richard is a good friend, as well as a business associate. We have all kinds of things to talk about at all kinds of times. Long story short, this time he was inviting me and my family out to dinner with him and his daughters. There’s this chinese buffet about five blocks from my place, and they were all coming back from an afternoon of skiing and were hungry.

It’s not often someone offers to treat my whole family to dinner, eating out, at a place I know I can feed the kids something they’ll actually EAT. Naturally I accepted Richard’s gracious offer, and the late afternoon and evening proceeded to get a whole lot more interesting (in a good way) than I’d imagined it prior to the ring of the phone.

I’ve only met Richard’s daughters in passing. There are four of them, and they overlap my own kids’ ages only partially. The oldest two are 12 and 15, and the youngest two are 9 (I think) and 5. Mine are 9, 7, 3-going-on-6, and 18 months. And we all got to know each other at a big seats-eleven table. Richard’s family sat on the south side, and mine sat on the North. Kiki (my 9 year-old) and Link (age 7) engaged the 15 year-old, the 9-year-old, and Richard in a game of “I’m shooting my straw-wrapper at you,” which devolved, between reprimands, into throwing things at each other. Patches (18 months) scowled the full length of the table at the 15-year-old who was trying to get him to smile, and the little guy finally resorted to taking a handful of food and then turning halfway round in his chair so he couldn’t see her while he ate.

In all it was fun. The food was good, too. General Tso wasn’t really in the house, so I grabbed some of the hot chili oil from the Mongolian Barbecue station and doctored the Imposter Tso’s chicken. It was almost hot enough, but even munching on the red pepper pods failed to light me up. Still, it was tasty. Link got pretty good at fending for himself, and when she wasn’t throwing things at her new friends, Kiki did a great job of polishing off a full plate of goodies.

Gleek and Patches mostly ate pudding. I guess that’s why the buffet discounts 60 cents for every year your child is under eleven — they want parents to feel good letting their kids fill up on the cheap, sugary slop.

After dinner I invited the Bliss clan over to my place for a bit of unwinding and digesting — besides, I needed to return a movie to Richard (The Fifth Element, which chalain and I watched last night). I knew the kids still wanted to play together, and play they did. Patches warmed up to everybody, and Richard tried (unsuccessfully, thank heaven) to teach him to bonk his head into a wall and then giggle about it. Link, Kiki, and Gleek had a great time with the 15-year-old, the 9-year-old, and the 5-year old (I know their names, but I’m not telling them to YOU because they haven’t given me permission to) An hour or so later when they headed home to Richard’s, my kids were all giving out hugs and considering tantrumming about the evils of departure.

I’m a little saddened to know that Richard is moving out of town within 2 months, and that it’s unlikely we’ll have the chance to rumpus together as a pair of families again. It was a wonderful evening, though, made all the more wonderful by the knowledge that it probably won’t happen again.

Grab joy where it’s offered, folks. Make fast friends. Never be afraid to Drop What You’re Doing.

I finished the comics I’d planned to finish. I just did so much later in the evening than anticipated. No regrets.


The Migraine is gone… but it cost me…

As those of you who also read kelloggs2066‘s Live Journal know, I was suffering from a migraine this morning and into the afternoon.

“Migraine” comes from the greek word “hemikrania.” Literally, “half of the head.” Yup. Half my head was throbbing, right behind my left eye. It wouldn’t be so bad, except I had WORK to do.

I took a nap, hoping that this was stemming from lack of sleep. I woke up and it was worse. Fortunately, Sandra had gone shopping and gotten me some Diet Vanilla Pepsi. Caffeine is GREAT headache medicine, provided you’re not already addicted to the stuff. I kicked my Diet Pepsi habit a couple of months ago, and have only had to medicate a headache with it once or twice since then.

Well, today I had to imbibe something like 24 ounces of the stuff to get the half of my head I needed for cartooning back from the threshold of pain. And I got some good cartooning done… right up until 5 minutes ago, when I got the shakes so bad I started screwing lines up.


The good news is that I only botched a couple of lines (I know when to stop trying to touch pen to paper), and they were finishing background lines. That, and the strip they go in is a real watershed strip for me — I used an anatomy textbook in order to do some VERY detailed artwork. See, I needed to draw Elf “naked”… tune in on December 13th!

Now I’m going to go to the gym and hope that some exercise will burn the rest of this stuff out of my system.
