What do Campbell Brown and Thagrosh The Messiah have in common?

Campbell Brown, CNN television anchor… Thagrosh The Messiah of Everblight, wargame miniature from Privateer Press… what could these two possibly have in common?

The answer lies in their pictures:

Do you see it yet?

Compare Ms. Brown’s cheekbones to Lord Everblight’s beefy neck.

Now do you see it?

Both feature the same play of light and shadow.

On Thagrosh it was done with paints on a tiny scale. On Campbell it was done by a professional makeup artist, a photographer, and then a touch-up artist with Photoshop. Follow Campbell’s cheekbone from top to bottom. Look for a gradual descent from highlight to shadow, followed by an abrupt jump back up to the brightest color. Now follow Thagrosh’s neck, and look for the same thing. You can also see it on every striation of his shoulder and chest, and even on his cheekbones.

There are possibly other connections between the the pretty pundit and the painted pewter, but I’ll leave drawing those as an exercise for the reader. Me, I’m sitting down with my paints and finally, FINALLY figuring out how to get that effect right.

(My army of demon-spawned she-journalists will be fearsome indeed. Cheekbone-attack! SLICE!)

8 thoughts on “What do Campbell Brown and Thagrosh The Messiah have in common?”

  1. I’m not sure she would like the comparison, but you are right. I think they need to de-emphasize her cheek bones in the future, because though it is a nice effect on a miniature it makes her face look a little to chiseled.


  2. I’m not sure she would like the comparison, but you are right. I think they need to de-emphasize her cheek bones in the future, because though it is a nice effect on a miniature it makes her face look a little to chiseled.


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