24 thoughts on “Voice Post: Lovelock, Nevada”

  1. that’s Nevada for you

    a state where you can get married with less than a day’s notice in one city (Las Vegas) and then drive a couple hundred miles and get your quickie divorce (Reno). oh, and where even the gas stations have slot machines.

  2. Well, I’m not authorized to add a transcription…

    But until someone else can, here it is for those who can’t hear it:

    Hi, this is Howard Tayler, voice posting from the road just outside of Lovelock, Nevada. Saw a billboard that said, “Don’t let your love get away. Lock your love. Lovelock.” That’s kinda creepy, so we drove all the way through town without stopping.

        1. Re: Well, I’m not authorized to add a transcription…

          Two things:

          1) Now you’re authorized.
          2) I sounded tall because I was trying to do “radio voice” rather than “phone conversation.” It makes a huge difference regarding how listen-able the post is.

          1. Re: Well, I’m not authorized to add a transcription…

            Thank you and I understand completely. Usually I don’t transcribe audio posts, but yours was easy to hear all the words to.

  3. I went to high school in Winnemucca, just 72 miles closer to Orem than Lovelock is.

    Lovelock is a great place to drive through without stopping.

    1. He sounded a lot more nerdy than I had imagined. Considering the whole “spending years working for Novell” thing I don’t know why I’m surprised, but I am. I pictured Howard’s voice (can you picture a voice?) more macho military Jean-Claude Van Damme-ish, but with a Utah accent instead of Belgian. I guess I’m used to hearing his voice in the same way I hear his characters’ voices, which is only fair, since I read them the same way.

      I wonder how suprised we’ll all be when Howard starts casting voice actors for the Schlock Mercenary Animated TV Show. 🙂

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