24 thoughts on “Today’s APOD is stunning…”

    1. Nope, just Cassini and NASA doing any CGI. FYI, these images are always highly cleaned up false color composites.

      Images taken on Oct. 11, 2005, with blue, green and infrared (centered at 752 nanometers) spectral filters were used to create this color view, which approximates the scene as it would appear to the human eye. (link)

      Doesn’t make it any less amazing to me though, but more so, as there’s all this SCIENCE going on to get the pretty picture!

  1. should probably nuke this comment…

    Using their image on your page is not deep linking, but linking to today’s picture probably is. (deep linking is kind of a goofy term anyhow)

    Looks like what you’re doing is probably commonly called hot linking, or inline linking.

    I would probably say, “It’s also inline behind the cut”

    Anyhow, the image is still pretty damn cool, and it reminds me a lot of the planetscapes Digital Blasphemy, but I think that’s what Ryan is trying to do in reverse. 😀

      1. Re: should probably nuke this comment…


        It’s APOD’s bandwidth. The only reason I feel good about doing it this way is that APOD has an LJ feed (scroll down — somebody linked to it) and they don’t run any advertising.


    1. The only reason I’m commenting on this specifically is because I’ve seen people say it shows that the moon landings were faked.

      A bright foreground object(s) will reduce the dim background objects to invisible. The moon and saturn are much brighter than the background stars.

      Cool image.

  2. It’s like a huge golf ball… I’m sure Nike’ll try to buy it, eventually, so they can put the Nike ‘swoosh’ on it, just to advertise. 😛

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