Merry Christmas!

Open Letter, Saturday, December 25, 2004

This Christmas is my first as a full-time cartoonist. Celebrating the birth of the Savior is quieter and more worshipful when I’ve got so much to personally be thankful for. Sure, it’s going to be a lean year gift-wise, but we’ve got food, clothing, and family to share it with. Wise men of any generation would be hard pressed to ask for more.

(Whiny, ungrateful children are another matter, but I don’t think we have any of those.)

I hope this holy day finds you well, wherever your path leads and whatever your faith founds. Peace on Earth, goodwill to mankind.


3 thoughts on “Merry Christmas!”

  1. Skulking into work at 6 AM midway between Christmas and New Year is about when I hate the IT industry most. But it’s nice to be able to read my favourite webcomics, even though it’s the holiday season.

    Thanks, Howard.

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