The drive back from Boise was uneventful. There were fewer bugs smearing my beetle, more cars on the Idaho stretch by about a factor of 5, and fewer cars on the Utah stretch by an order of magnitude.
Anyway, I’m back now.
The one interesting thing I saw… a blue-green Jaguar sedan, driven by a woman with a somewhat aristocratic bearing. The license plate read “MOMOF10.”
Yes, this was on the Utah stretch.
Not that it has anything to do with it, but I noticed an odd liscence plate on an Audi driven by a woman of somewhat aristocratic bearing today: “REGRET”.
I have to wonder what she was thinking when she chose that plate…? :/
This non-sequiteur brought to you by me.
I’d say a mother of 10 is entitled to any kind of car she wants. 🙂
What I want to know is how she fits all those kids into that itty-bitty car.
She’s got a horse trailer to go with it.
insert “Bag of Holding” joke here 😉
Those Jags got a lot of trunk space.