Tag Archives: Schlock Mercenary

Telling the Printer to Take My Money

Page proofs and slipcase blanks arrived this morning. Hey, look what I can build!


Book 11 (Massively Parallel) and the 6-11 slipcase (Munitions Canister 2) are go for printing along with a re-print of the 1-5 slipcase (Munitions Canister 1.) This means we’re about to spend five digits of dollars on printing, and that digit in the 10,000’s place is not a one, and might not get to be a two.

On a related note, pre-orders for Book 11, both slipcases, and the 2015 calendar will all open on October 15th (Patreon supporters will be able to pre-order starting on October 13th.)

Developing the Schlock Mercenary Role-Playing Game

Alan Bahr and I are designing and developing the Schlock Mercenary Role-Playing Game. I’ve mentioned this project before. It’s something we’ve had in the works since late fall of 2013, and it’s coming along nicely.

If it’s something you’re interested in, you can learn more over at  schlocktroops.com, and you can follow our progress  via the Schlocktroops RSS feed. We hope to Kickstart the game during the first half of 2015, and ship it in time for Christmas of that year, but our production plan may change in the next six months as we put the last of the pieces in place.

I hate loving these pills…

Struggled to get anything done this morning. Made a little progress banging on two possible scripts for Sunday, August 24th. Not working.

Went shopping with my 11yo to clear my head. Got home and decided to take a white pill (20mg, 4-hour methylphenidate — it’s basically a short-term ritalin). Aaaand BANG. I’m able to script again.  Wrote an all-new August 24th strip, then the next three days of the week. Then I brain-dumped into the outline and it all flowed gloriously.

I love the white pill, but I hate needing it.