Category Archives: Announcements

Hey, there’s something coming up that I want to tell you about!

Developing the Schlock Mercenary Role-Playing Game

Alan Bahr and I are designing and developing the Schlock Mercenary Role-Playing Game. I’ve mentioned this project before. It’s something we’ve had in the works since late fall of 2013, and it’s coming along nicely.

If it’s something you’re interested in, you can learn more over at, and you can follow our progress  via the Schlocktroops RSS feed. We hope to Kickstart the game during the first half of 2015, and ship it in time for Christmas of that year, but our production plan may change in the next six months as we put the last of the pieces in place.

Under Construction!

This site is currently under construction. Nothing to see here.

Please don't just leave that mouse there. I'm trying to work.
Nothing to see here but the cartoonist drawing.

We just imported about seven years of posts from LiveJournal. What a blast from the past THAT was. Cleaning this up will take forever…

Two Years

Today I celebrate the 2nd anniversary of “doing it full-time.” On Monday, September 20th of 2004 I resigned from my position at Novell, came home to my home office, and wondered how I was going to be able to make it work.

I didn’t really figure it out until May of 2006. There were some really rough patches in there – particularly July of 2005, when Ad revenues were in the toilet, commission work had dried up, and we had to pay bills using a home improvement loan. And then there was the $100 Christmas.

Sandra was there for me (and I was there for her) throughout all of it, and I could not have done it without her. Of course, without her it would not have been worth doing at all.

It wouldn’t have been possible without you readers and fans, either. Thank you, everybody.


ps. I’m celebrating by scripting, pencilling, and inking an entire week. I’d probably better get started.