Category Archives: Announcements

Hey, there’s something coming up that I want to tell you about!

Find Me This Weekend at Salt Lake Comic Con!

I’m at Salt Lake Comic Con this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday!

Schlock Mercenary merchandise will be in booth 1600, but that number is misleading. We’re at the west end of Aisle 700, right across from The Pie Pizzeria booth. My full schedule is below, but the booth will be staffed the whole time the expo hall is open.


  • 1:00pm-5:30pm: Expo Hall, Booth 1600 – I’ll sign and sketch in books at no charge. If it gets slow, I’ll be penciling and inking strips. Come watch me work!
  • 6:00pm-6:50pm: Room 251 – Choose Your Own Apocalypse! It’s an audience-participation game show type thing in which each of the panelists tries to woo the audience over to their point of view.
  • 7:00pm-8:00pm: Expo Hall, Booth 1600 – signing, sketching, and working on the comic.


  • 10:00am-noon: Booth 1600
  • 12:00pm-12:50pm: Room 150G – XDM: Xtreme Dungeon Mastery and the Xtreme Player Codex, with Tracy and Curtis Hickman
  • 1:00pm-1:50pm: Expo Hall, Booth 1600
  • 2:00pm-2:50pm: Room 255C – Inside Schlock Mercenary! All that behind-the-scenes stuff… ask me anything!
  • 3:00pm-4:00pm: Expo Hall, Booth 1600
  • 5:00pm-5:50pm: Room 251a – Writing and Mental Health with Robison Wells.
  • 6:00pm-8:00pm: Expo Hall, Booth 1600
  • 8:00pm-8:50pm: Room250a – Guardians of the Galaxy: Post-Mortem (I guess my movie reviewing makes me an expert?)


  • 10:00am-11:00am: Expo Hall, Booth 1600
  • 11:00am-11:50am: Publishing, Marketing, and Making a Living from a Digital Comic Book
  • 12:00pm-3:00pm: Expo Hall, Booth 1600
  • 4:00pm-4:50pm: Room 255F – Writing Humor: Learning to be Funny on the Page
  • 5:00pm-6:00pm: Expo Hall, Booth 1600
  • 7:00pm-7:50pm: Room 255F – Writing Excuses Unplugged, with Brandon Sanderson and Dan Wells. 

It’s going to be a very busy show for me. I’m sharing booth space with Brian McClellan, so even when I’m not on stage I’ll probably be goofing off in entertaining ways.

I probably shouldn’t promise that. But come see us!

Me and Rob: Mental Health Panel at Salt Lake Comic Con

Salt Lake Comic Con is less than a week way. I still don’t know my actual booth number, mostly because Sandra handles that stuff and I wasn’t paying attention, but it’s not the booth I want to call your attention to.

Robison Wells and I will be doing a panel together called “Writing and Mental Health.” We did this at SLCC Fan Experience in April with Peter Wacks and Bree Despain, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. I did a reading from “No. I’m Fine.” which was not yet publicly available.

NoI'mFine-CoverIt’s publicly available now.  Whether or not you’re going to be at Salt Lake Comic Con, you can find all the ebook versions right here. And if you are going to be at Salt Lake Comic Con, you should consider attending Writing and Mental Health at 5pm on Friday in room 251a.

This will be a very open discussion. The Q&A we had in April was an amazing experience–definitely the sort of thing we want to have happen again. We’d love to see you there.

Naked in Public

Today I published my creative non-fiction story, “No. I’m Fine.”

NoI'mFine-CoverIt’s just 1,730 words long. It’s free. It’s here.

It’s intensely personal and it makes me nervous to have it out there, but I want people to be able to read it, and maybe understand their depressed, anxious, or otherwise mentally-challenged friends.  Of course, in order to accomplish that I let the reader all the way inside my head.

So. Naked in public.

The publishing process–making an ebook out of a Word document–was educational, and very time-consuming. I still don’t know how to add the cover image shown here to the epub and mobi files, at least not without buying software for the job. Also, I learned that I can’t make an ebook “always free” on Amazon. I don’t want to charge money for this, and I certainly don’t want to make people pay Amazon in order to read it.

But the salient point is that it’s available, and you can read it for free, and after reviewing the feedback from a bunch of volunteer beta-readers, I’m pretty sure you can read it on just about any device.

Find Me at GenCon Indy 2014

I’m at GenCon Indy this weekend. I arrived on Tuesday for setup, and don’t fly home until Monday the 18th, and yes, this means the convention is eating a week of buffer. Like a voracious monster with 70,000 mouths…


I’m in Booth 1437 with Jim Zub and Tracy Hickman. We’re pretty much smack-dab in the center of the exhibit hall, facing the Asmodee folks.

Is there convention-exclusive merchandise? Yes, there is!

Exclusive pins

(Note: for those unable to attend GenCon, these exclusives can be purchased during the month of August if you’ve got the “Schlock Troops” level of patronage ($2.50/mo) over on Patreon.)

We’ll have plenty of other goodies, including the sale-priced ten-book bundle, and the latest Schlock Mercenary title, Longshoreman of the Apocalypseand not only can you get me to sketch in the back of that at no charge, Zub can sign it for you too! He wrote the bonus story (and it is awesome).

Zub will have Skullkickers collections, and will happily tell you all about Wayward, his new project. He’l also be signing comic books galore – Pathfinder, Samurai Jack, Figment, Skullkickers, and more – and maybe, just maybe you’ll be able to coax a commission out of him. (Hint: use money.)

Tracy will be signing books and books and books (thirty years of writing will do that), and will have his Sojourner Tales game! Brand new!

My schedule is pretty packed. If you have to pick just one thing, you should pick my solo presentation at 7pm on Thursday, “Crafting Humor for the Page.”

Here’s my full schedule:

  • 12pm — Room 245:  Cliches and Stereotypes, with Susan Morris, Erin Evans, David B. Coe, and Brad Beaulieu
  • 1pm-6pm — Booth 1437 (with occasional breaks)
  • 7pm — Room 245: Crafting Humor for the Page, my solo presentation!
  • 10am-1pm — Booth 1437
  • 2pm — Room 243: Author Networking 101, with Kerrie Hughes, Kameron Hurley, Marc Tassin, and Carrie Harris
  • 3pm-5pm — Booth 1437
  • 6pm – Room 243:  Getting Great Reviews, with Susan Morris, Steve Diamond, and Kelly Swails
  • 10am-12pm — Booth 1437
  • 1pm — Room 245: Writer’s Life: Tales from the Trenches with Don Bingle, Howard Tayler, Ed Greenwood, Michael Stackpole, and James Sutter
  • 2pm — Westin, Capitol III: XDM – X-treme Dungeon Mastery, with Tracy Hickman (note: I’ll be a little late and a lot out of breath.)
  • 4pm-6pm — Booth 1437
  • 10am-3pm — Booth 1437 (note that Jim and I will be there, but Tracy will not! If you want to catch up with Mr. Hickman, don’t wait until Sunday to try.)

Lots of folks, including business partners, peers, fans, and fellow gamers, have asked about my evening schedule, or about “catching lunch” at the convention.

Unfortunately, lunch is taken on the run, and my evenings are booked with private meetings or crash time. There is one, and only one free-floating event, and that is the GenCon Indy Schlock Mercenary RPG playtest. I made that sound WAY MORE OFFICIAL than it really is. Alan will be holding a few of these, catch-as-catch can. Find Alan at GenCon!  I will be able to attend (as a player) exactly one of these. I don’t know which one.

If you want to maximize your chances of playing or watching, follow @AlanBahr, @HowardTayler, and/or @Schlocktroops on Twitter.